Logos and Marks

All Robert Redd Logos and marks are registered by Robert R. Matheson and licensed to Robert Redd, Inc.
These unique marks are used by Robert Redd, Inc, as well as our partners and our other licensees around the world.

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The Double R Logo Mark

This is the official mark of Robert Redd. This mark is used for the Robert Redd branded products.

The Robert Redd Signature Mark

Based on the actual signature of our hero Robert Redd, this mark represents the Robert Redd Signature Line of products and services.

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The Running Redd Mark

 This mark is pulled from the original artwork, Robert Redd Escapes by His Shirttails, and is a representation of the energy and force of the Robert Redd brand.

The robert Redd Four Bar Logo

This logo is emblematic of our sportsman brand. It reflects our company competitive nature as well as its complimentary color palate.
The four bars of strength and style!

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The Robert Redd Tomato

The Robert Redd Tomato is a metaphoric expression of our legendary brand.  It reflects our company ethos.  Its organic nature is about expansion and growth as it winds its vines of influence and yields robust fruit.  The heirloom qualities reinforce our authentic heritage.